
Plasma Facial Injections

Plasma Facial Injections

Your daily skincare routine and regular cleansing may help prevent signs of aging. Have you ever thought about getting plasma injections for your face to naturally address skin issues without any concerning side effects? This article will explore how this technique works, its characteristics, and its advantages.

What are plasma injections for the face and what are their key features?
Blood contains solid and liquid components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Platelets are responsible for maintaining blood fluidity and preventing clotting. They also contain hundreds of proteins and growth factors necessary for wound healing. Plasma, a natural substance drawn from your body, is yellow in color and rich in platelets. It helps transport sufficient nutrients to the skin for treatment. Therefore, it does not cause allergic reactions to your skin after the injection and treats skin problems through its healing properties.

Reasons to get plasma injections for the face:
Plasma effectively treats various skin problems by stimulating collagen production and delivering sufficient nutrients. These problems include:
- Skin discoloration, uneven skin tone, and the presence of spots.
- Acne scars and the resulting blemishes.
- Facial pitting and depressed areas.
- Facial wrinkles and expression lines around the eyes and mouth.
- Dark circles and dull skin.

Preparation before plasma injections for the face:
Initially, the doctor will request a complete blood count to ensure your safety before the injection. It is also necessary to stop smoking before and during recovery to achieve desired results. Additionally, you should discontinue blood-thinning medications such as aspirin before the injection to minimize the risk of bleeding. It is important to ensure that your skin is clean and free of any oils or cosmetic products before the injection.

Cost of plasma facial injections:
The cost of plasma facial injections with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy starts at $55 and varies depending on several factors, including the quality of the tubes used to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components of the blood. The better the quality of the tubes used, the higher the cost of the plasma injection, and the better the results of the injection.

Plasma facial injection steps:
The process of injecting plasma into the face consists of three stages, first the stage of drawing a blood sample from you, then separating the plasma, and finally the plasma injection. 
- The first step:
A blood sample is drawn from you so that plasma can then be extracted from it in the second step.
- The second step:
The second step begins by taking a blood sample and placing it in a centrifuge that separates the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood components. 
- The third step:
Finally, the platelet-rich plasma is filled into syringes to be injected into the areas of the face to be treated.

The injection process takes about an hour and is usually done with local anesthesia only. After the injection is completed, you can return home and begin the recovery process immediately.

Recovery period after plasma facial injections:
The recovery period after plasma facial injections begins when you return home. It is recommended not to wash your face for at least 24 hours to ensure the stability of the plasma in your face. You may notice some swelling, bruising, and redness of the face, which are normal side effects of the injection. These effects will subside within a few days, and you can apply cold compresses to the face every few hours to reduce swelling and redness faster. It is also advisable to avoid sun exposure as much as possible for a week and use a high-protection sunscreen if exposed to the sun. During this period, avoid using cosmetics or facial scrubs to prevent facial redness or the appearance of any scars. Drink an adequate amount of water and ensure a diet rich in vitamins and minerals to aid in faster recovery.

Side effects of plasma facial injections:
The side effects of plasma facial injections include the appearance of bruising, swelling, and redness of the face, as mentioned before. These side effects can be overcomed by applying cold compresses to the face. Some individuals may experience mild pain resulting from the injection, but it can be relieved with pain relievers prescribed by the doctor. Other than that, there are no other side effects, as this technique is known for not causing any allergies since it uses a natural substance found in the body.

Results of plasma facial injections:
You can notice the initial results of plasma injections within several days after the swelling and redness of the face disappear, and the results will continue to improve gradually over the coming weeks. The results include skin without paleness, pigmentation, or any blemishes, in addition to the disappearance of facial pimples and old scars thanks to the platelets present in the plasma, which help treat and tighten the skin, as well as limit the appearance of wrinkles and expression marks in the future. The final results may take several weeks or a month to appear, but these results last for a long time without re-injection.

Frequently asked questions about plasma injections for the face:
Does facial swelling after plasma injections affect the results?
Facial swelling after plasma injections is a normal part of the healing process. It indicates the reaction of your face to the plasma and the injection procedure. Therefore, there is no need to worry if your face remains swollen for several days; the swelling should subside within a maximum of one week.

Can plasma injections be used to treat old scars?
Plasma injections can effectively treat pigmentation and old scars. You can observe the results within a few weeks after the injection procedure.

Are there any risks associated with facial plasma injections?
No risks associated with plasma injections since it is a natural substance derived from your blood. Many doctors prefer it over other skin treatment techniques.

Are there any contraindications for receiving facial plasma injections?
Some conditions that may prevent you from receiving plasma injections include anemia and immune-related disorders. In these cases, the blood lacks adequate platelets in the plasma required for skin treatment. Therefore, plasma injections will not yield the desired results.

Plasma Injections for Hair:
The therapeutic properties of plasma can also be utilized in treating hair loss, hair thinning, and hair damage. The same steps mentioned earlier are followed to obtain plasma, which is then injected into the scalp instead of the face. Plasma injections for hair can help with several hair-related issues, including:
- Significant hair loss and early baldness.
- Hair thinning and damage.
- Low hair density and receding hairline.
- Plasma injections after hair transplantation have become common to promote faster and healthier hair growth without shedding or damage.

Initial results of plasma injections for hair start to appear after approximately three sessions and continue to improve gradually for several weeks until the hair is completely restored, effectively addressing the issue of hair loss.

Plasma injections in general, whether for the face or hair, have recently become a desirable technique, as they save time and cost, and their results are natural and effective and do not expose you to any risks. For more information about facial plasma injections, do not hesitate to contact us to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a plastic surgery, body sculpting, and natural hair transplant consultant.

This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.