Hair Transplant Prices in Egypt
Many products promise to increase hair density and reduce hair loss, but they often prove ineffective. The best solution for hair loss and baldness problems is hair transplantation, which offers a permanent solution. Learn about hair transplant prices in Egypt and what to expect during the procedure in the following article.
Hair Transplantation in Egypt:
Hair transplant techniques have evolved over the years to suit various cases, ensuring they don't leave scars or surgical incisions. The distribution techniques of hair follicles have also improved, resulting in a natural appearance after transplantation with a front hairline similar to yours before the procedure.
One of the most popular techniques used in hair transplantation is the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique, known for its remarkable results. This technique stands out as it only requires local anesthesia and doesn't involve any surgical incisions, leaving no scars behind. Moreover, its success rate has exceeded 99%.
Hair Transplantation Process:
The hair transplantation process begins by shaving the back of your head to make the hair follicles very short for easy extraction. The donor area is then sanitized before extracting hair follicles from it.
Once the hair follicles are individually extracted from the back of the head, they are moved to cover the areas affected by hair loss and baldness. The next step involves sanitizing the areas where the hair will be transplanted and creating tiny channels for the hair follicles to be implanted.
Subsequently, the hair follicles are implanted in these channels one by one. The FUE hair transplantation process takes between six and eight hours, with a short break between the first stage (extraction) and the second stage (transplantation). After the procedure, you can leave the hospital directly after receiving recovery advice from the doctor.
Hair transplant prices in Egypt:
Hair transplant prices in Egypt vary based on several factors, including:
• The technique used for hair transplantation, whether it's Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or other techniques like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Direct Hair Transplantation (DHI).
• The number of hair follicles to be transplanted to cover the areas affected by hair loss and baldness and the area's size that needs coverage.
• The costs of the hospital and the medical team assisting the doctor during the procedure.
• The cost of accommodation and transportation during your visit to Egypt.
All these factors differ from one case to another, but generally, hair transplant prices with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy start at $1500, including accommodation and transportation. This also includes a free PRP (platelet-rich plasma) session and a recovery kit with essential items.
Additional costs might include the medications necessary for recovery, such as antibiotics and painkillers needed to manage swelling and bruising.
The recovery period typically involves the following:
• You might experience mild pain accompanied by swelling and bruising, but these can be managed with pain relievers prescribed by the doctor.
• Avoid engaging in strenuous physical activities for a few days to allow the transplanted hair follicles to settle.
• Avoid direct sun exposure for a few days.
• Ensure you consume plenty of vitamins and minerals to aid in faster recovery and minimize swelling and bruising as much as possible.
In addition to these, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy will provide you with other instructions, such as how to sleep after the hair transplant and how to wash your hair after the procedure, all of which contribute to a quicker and better recovery.
Have you ever considered undergoing FUE hair transplantation? We welcome the opportunity to provide you with more information about hair transplant prices in Egypt by scheduling a consultation appointment.
This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.