
Deviated Nasal Septum Treatment

Deviated Nasal Septum Treatment

A deviated nasal septum is considered a problem whose complications include difficulty breathing and frequent bleeding, but this problem can be treated by modifying the nasal septum and cartilage. Find out its details through the following article.

Deviated nasal septum:
A deviated nasal septum occurs when the thin septum that separates the nostrils is misplaced or tilted toward one side more than the other. When the condition of the deviated nasal septum is severe, it leads to many problems, such as insufficient air reaching the brain, difficulty breathing, and snoring during sleep. In addition, some cases may suffer from bleeding, and this condition may occur either due to swelling of the tissues surrounding the nose or due to a deviation. The nasal septum is the result of a congenital deformity or an accident. Treatment may include taking some medications that reduce swelling or through a surgical intervention that solves this problem permanently.

Symptoms of a deviated nasal septum:
Most cases of deviated nasal septum do not have symptoms, and others may not notice that they suffer from this problem at all, but others may notice the following symptoms:
One or both nostrils are blocked, causing difficulty breathing. This symptom may be more noticeable when you have the flu, a cold, or allergies, as you may experience difficulty breathing.
Nosebleeds as a result of dry airways and insufficient hydration.
Facial pain in general and in the nose in particular. These pains may appear on only one side of the face.
Noisy breathing during sleep (snoring) and having difficulty sleeping peacefully.
The preference for sleeping on one of your sides to make it easier for you to breathe and to reduce snoring during sleep.

When should you consult a doctor?
You can consult a doctor in these cases:
Nasal obstruction or congestion and failure to respond to medical treatment.
Frequent nosebleeds.
Recurring symptoms of infection.

Causes of a deviated nasal septum:
As we mentioned before, a deviated nasal septum occurs when the nasal septum separating the nostrils is out of place, and this problem may be due to:
A medical condition that has been with you since birth and has developed over time to cause you distress.
Exposure to a nose injury due to an accident, a broken nose, or an injury while practicing a violent sport.
The natural growth process may affect the nose and lead to the appearance of this problem with age.

Risk factors:
Most people have a deviated nasal septum problem from birth that develops over time, but it may develop due to one of these situations:
Practicing some violent sports that require physical contact.
Not wearing a seat belt while driving or riding a car.

Complications of deviated nasal septum:
If you suffer from a severe deviated nasal septum, you may notice some of the following complications:
Dry mouth due to breathing through it all the time due to difficulty breathing through the nose.
Feeling stuffy and nasal congestion all the time.
Having difficulty sleeping due to the inability to breathe normally.

How can a deviated nasal septum be prevented?
All you can do is prevent exposure to some injuries that may cause you this problem, and this is done by making sure to wear a helmet while practicing violent sports and by making sure to wear a seat belt while driving.

Diagnosis of a deviated nasal septum:
During your visit to Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, he will ask you about the symptoms you are suffering from before examining your condition.
He will examine your nose from the outside and inside by using a specialized medical instrument equipped with a bright light so that he can determine your condition.
Based on this examination, the doctor will determine whether you suffer from a deviated nasal septum or not then he will determine the treatment plan after determining the seriousness of your condition.

Nasal septum and cartilage operation:
Treating a deviated nasal septum and cartilage is a type of rhinoplasty and repair surgery. It depends on repairing the nasal septum and changing the airway to become easier for you to breathe naturally afterward. This surgical procedure is considered a procedure that works to correct deformities and is not considered a plastic procedure that works to change your external appearance. The change will be so simple as it aims to treat breathing problems and not for beautification.

Before nasal septum and cartilage surgery:
During your visit to Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy for the first time, and after he examines your condition and determines your need to undergo nasal septum and cartilage surgery, he may need to ask you some questions to evaluate your health condition, such as:
Family health history and do you suffer from chronic diseases that may hinder obtaining this procedure?
Are you a smoker or whether you drink alcohol?
What medications and drugs do you take regularly?
What are your expected goals from this surgical procedure?
Do you have any allergy that increases the symptoms of this problem?
Do you feel that your sense of smell is decreasing?
How long have you had this problem?
Do you have any frequent bleeding?
Have you tried taking any medications to relieve your symptoms?
Have you had any surgeries on your nose before?

You can also ask Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy some frequently asked questions such as:
What are the reasons for my problem?
Is surgical intervention the ideal solution for my condition?
How can I reduce some of the side effects that may occur during recovery?
Can I see some pictures of previous cases before and after surgery?

Cost of nasal septum and cartilage surgery:
The cost of nasal septum and cartilage treatment varies depending on several factors, including:
Type of anesthetic used, hospital costs, and medical staff.
Procedures needed to obtain the desired results.
Transportation and accommodation costs if you come from another country.
But usually, the cost of nasal septum and cartilage surgery by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a Plastic Surgery Consultant and Body Sculpting, costs an average of $1,425 and varies depending on the factors mentioned previously.

Steps of the nasal septum and cartilage operation:
Before undergoing the surgery, there will be some instructions, such as stopping smoking at least two weeks before surgery and medications that cause blood thinning, such as aspirin, to reduce the risk of bleeding during surgery or recovery.

The process of nasal septum and cartilage begins as follows:
First, you will be anesthetized with a local anesthetic or a general anesthetic, according to what the doctor deems appropriate. 
A small surgical incision is made either inside the nose or in the nasal septum that separates the two nostrils. If a surgical incision is made in the nasal septum, the skin surrounding the nose is lifted to make it easier for the doctor to make the necessary changes to the nose.
After that, the doctor adjusts the nasal septum by either cutting a small part of the nasal bones or modifying the position of the nasal cartilage. Then the breathing stream in the nose is changed, its path is adjusted to make it easier for the patient to breathe afterwards. 
Finally, the skin surrounding the nose is returned to its natural position, the wound is closed with some cosmetic stitches hidden between the folds of the nose, and the wound is covered with medical bandages. In some cases, some stents are installed in the nose for some time until the body gets used to the new nasal shape.
After completing the nasal septoplasty, you may need to stay one night in the hospital to recover and for the doctor to check your condition. The doctor may allow you to leave immediately after surgery and begin recovery at home.

Recovery after nasal septum and cartilage surgery:
Before leaving the hospital, the doctor will give you instructions to help you recover better and faster. These instructions include:
Avoid nasal exposure to water for several days until the bandages and supports are removed.
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for long periods.
Avoid wearing glasses and sunglasses for some time.
Completely avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
Make sure to take vitamins and minerals by eating a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Results of nasal septum and cartilage surgery:
The results of the nasal septum and cartilage surgery may take some time to appear permanently, as the period for the results to appear ranges between six months and a full year, but when the results appear, they are permanent without the need to go for any additional procedures in the future. During this period, swelling disappears, bruises gradually disappear, and scars disappear completely. Scars that do not disappear completely are well hidden between the folds of the nose so that they are difficult to notice.

Now you know everything related to treating a deviated nasal septum, have you ever thought about undergoing this procedure to treat this problem? For more information about nasal septum and cartilage surgery and to book a consultation with the best plastic surgeon, Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, contact us. 

This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.