The fractional laser technique aims to treat various skin problems through several simple sessions without surgical intervention. Learn about the fractional laser technique and its characteristics in the following article.
What is fractional laser technology?
Fractional laser technique is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that relies on laser beams which are divided into thousands of microscopic particles that treat the superficial skin layers by stimulating them. This technology aims to treat sunburns, wrinkles, and signs of skin aging. It also stimulates collagen production in the skin, which in turn revitalizes and rejuvenates the skin.
Characteristics of fractional laser:
Fractional laser therapy can be used to treat:
• Fine lines and facial wrinkles.
• Sunburns.
• Skin pigmentation and uneven skin tone.
• Scars and acne scars.
Fractional laser treatment can be used for all skin types, but the number of sessions and the treatment technique may vary depending on the age, skin type, sun exposure, and targeted body area. Fractional laser treatment can be combined with other skin treatment techniques.
Types of fractional laser:
The first type is the non-ablative erbium laser, also known as Fraxel, and the second is the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. Fraxel is more suitable for those under fifty to treat mild to moderate acne scars and fine wrinkles.
How does fractional laser work?
As we age, the appearance and characteristics of the skin change. The skin becomes thinner, making spots more visible, and collagen gradually diminishes from the dermis, leading to expression lines, sagging skin, and wrinkles.
Fractional laser treatment works by targeting the superficial and deep skin layers. It does so by emitting a laser beam that is divided into thousands of small, deep columns that start treating the skin. The old pigmented skin cells are removed, and the penetration of the fractional laser into the skin triggers a reaction that stimulates collagen production in the skin.
One of the goals of laser treatment is to intensively treat the skin without causing any damage to the surrounding tissues.
Fractional laser technique is more effective than traditional laser treatment.
Steps of fractional laser treatment:
1. First, the targeted areas are determined, and the treatment pattern is designed to target these areas precisely.
2. Then, pre-treatment photos are taken.
3. Pre-treatment with bleaching creams or chemical peels may be necessary for patients with dark skin problems or skin pigmentation.
4. Before treatment, the patient removes all jewelry and makeup and washes the face with water and soap.
5. An anesthetic cream is applied to the treatment area, and it takes about 45-60 minutes to take effect.
6. The anesthetic cream is removed, and a gel is applied to the treatment area, which helps the laser identify the targeted areas.
7. The gel applied to the skin acts as a lubricant for the laser stick to glide on the skin.
8. The treatment time depends on the areas treated, but a full face will take about 30 minutes.
9. The pain associated with the procedure depends on the energy applied to the treatment site. It is necessary to use an anesthetic cream before starting the session.
10. A cooling device is used to reduce discomfort during the session.
After the fractional laser session:
• The gel on the skin is washed off.
• Some individuals may experience a similar sensation to sunburn for about an hour after the session.
• Swelling is usually mild and subsides within 2 to 3 days.
• The skin may have a pink color for 3 to 5 days.
• Within 24 hours, the skin may darken or become more tanned for 3 days to 2 weeks.
• The skin may also start to peel as old, dead skin is replaced with new skin. You can apply moisturizer in this case.
• Doctors recommend using a high SPF sunscreen of at least 50, avoiding prolonged direct sun exposure, and wearing a hat and sunglasses to protect your skin as much as possible during recovery.
Side effects of fractional laser sessions:
Most cases can tolerate fractional laser sessions without experiencing any problems at all. You can return to shaving or applying cosmetics within a short period. In most cases, you can return to work the day after receiving a fractional laser session, depending on the condition of your skin.
Some possible side effects and complications that may occur after fractional laser treatment, especially on the neck, include:
• Excessive skin peeling.
• Swelling in the face and neck may last a week and can be reduced by applying cold compresses for a few minutes during the first 24 hours.
• Skin pigmentation after the inflammation subsides often occurs on easily pigmented or dark skin.
• Acne breakouts.
• Skin inflammation, redness, and irritation for several days.
Results of fractional laser:
Most cases usually require 4 or 5 sessions to achieve the desired results, depending on the laser intensity and the addressed condition. The period between each session is usually about a month. The results do not appear immediately but gradually over time, within 3 to 4 months. During this period, the skin fully recovers, and the effects of collagen work to treat and revitalize the skin. For further information, contact us or book a consultation appointment with Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy.
This content has been reviewed by Dr. Ahmed Mekkawy, a consultant in cosmetic surgery, body contouring, and natural hair transplantation.
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